Naomi Peak Trail


At 9,979 feet, Naomi Peak is the highest point in the Bear River Range. The trail winds through spectacular meadows of wildflowers that are at their peak in July and August. The summit offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding peaks and of Cache Valley.


Day use parking at Tony Grove Lake parking area. Overnight parking at the backcountry trailhead 1/4-mile below the campground. There is a small fee for all parking in the Tony Grove area.


Trail Information:

The trailhead is located at Tony Grove Lake. From Logan take US Hwy. 89 (19.2 miles) to the Tony Grove Road. Take Tony Grove Road (FR 003) 7 miles to Tony Grove Lake. The trail is well defined, steep in a few places, and moderately rocky. Snow banks persist into the summer and cold wind usually blows on top. At the ridge the trail continues into the Mt. Naomi Wilderness to High Creek and Cherry Creek canyons. The trail to Naomi Peak itself is south along this ridge.

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